
V nakladatelství Casablanca vyšla obsáhlá kniha o filmu Kuchař, zloděj, jeho žena a její milenec britského režiséra Petera Greenawaye. Jejím autorem je filmový teoretik a editor kolektivní monografie Genderové stereotypy v animované tvorbě Walta Disneyho (Edice PAF, 2012) Zdeněk Hudec.


The initiated project of the interactive book intended for children "Lesokraj the Story" by Lou and Kuba Sanitrák, which was presented at PAF 2013 in December, is very close to its completion. However, so that the application, within which a participant can both play and read, could catch sight of the real world, it urgently needs the help of the public.


On Friday 21st and Saturday 22nd of February 2014 will be held in Veselí nad Moravou, Czech Republic, audiovisual festival reVIZOR. For the third year of this young festival, part of its programme has been prepared by PAF. You can look forward not only to screenings, but also to solo exhibition of Olomuc-based artist Martin Fišr in Panský dvůr gallery or concert of DJ Sestra & Karel lv.


We are sorry to announce that 7th of January 2014 has died Croatian multimedia artist, filmmaker and experimental film guru Ivan Ladislav Galeta (1947–2014). Galeta was our PAF Cult in 2009.

PAF in flash art hungary

In the current December issue of Hungarian mutation of prestigious art magazine Flash Art can be read (among other things, obviously) also quite extensive interview on PAF!


Tuesday 17th of December 2013 in Prague, the awards ceremony for artists over 35 organized by initiative Umělec má cenu (Artist has a price) took place. The name o the price is variable according the name of its current laureate, and is given as a gesture from the artists and theoreticians of younger generation to the older generation of artists.

The Prize from Vladimír Kokolia was passed to Martin Zet who thus became laureate for 2014.




The last day of PAF will be marked by Colourful 50s. During two blocks, Slideshow Forenoon and Slideshow Afternoon, Pavel Ryška will comment the period films and Pavel Pohorský will consequently introduce the Czechoslovak projectors.


More than fifteen programme blocks will take place from the afternoon to the late night. The participants of the Lunchmeat Visual Workshop know exactly what to do. However, this is not the only workshop at this year's PAF. Tereza Damcová's workshop is arranged for parents and their children. Sewing of masks will be followed by commented screening of fairy tales which involve both animation, patchwork and performance.


PAF – Festival of Film Animation is well known for its examination of the phenomena of animation in the wider context of cinematography and visual studies.

This year, PAF puts an unprecedented emphasis on audio-visual installations which are at the festival present in really record number and technical demands.


+ FB event

This year's PAF thinks carefully of children. The programme intended (not only) for them starts on Friday, Saturday and Sunday always at 11 am at Konvikt.

OPEN CALL / Other Visions SK


The competition and curatorial selection Other Visions SK aims to map out the current Slovak audio visual production that find itself on the on the border of fine arts, video art and animation.




PAF is in cooperation with Slovak film magazine Kinečko releasing DVD Other Visions 2013 containing the final ten of our competition films.

The DVD comes as an insert in the current issue of Kinečko which is devoted to Czech cinematography (February-March). In this issue you can also read an interview with our head programme manager Martin Mazanec on PAF and our competition section Other Visions.


An article about PAF was published in the February issue of Art + antiques journal.

The text entitled "Expanded Animation – Moving Audio-visual Fascination" does not focus on the last year, but deals with PAF comprehensively...


On Monday, 27 January 2014,  ČT ART broadcasted the fifth episode of Průvan program. Its January edition was concentrated on the topic of family relations. The program included a report from the December Festival of Film Animation, broadcasting of the winning film of the Other Visions 2013 Warped Ján (dir. Petr Šprincl, Marie Hájková) which won both the Jury Award and the Audience Award, and the discussion with its authors.

Foto (c) Tereza Darmovzalová_zakončení_Murata Jančík Mazanec

Creative documentary for 12th Festival of Film Animation and contemporary art  in Olomouc, Czech Republic.

Authors: Petr Šprincl and Marie Hájková

JV vitez

This year in Other Visions competition participated in total 49 works. Based on curatorial judgement made by David Kořínek, only 10 works from all were selected to participate in the competition. They were confronted with a classic projection situation in the Corpus Christy Chapel and with the gallery situation, since they were presented during the whole festival in the Attic Gallery at Konvikt as an installation, thus subjected to the constant judgement of the international jury as well as the festival audience. The audience could vote for their favourite by inserting the completed ballot paper into the present ballot box.

The winner of the competition Other Visions 2013 was announced during the closing ceremony of the 12th Festival of Film Animation, which took place in the Sunday evening, 8th of December 2013.


International jury consisting of Takeshi Murata, András Cséfalvay and Ondřej Jakubec has pronounced as follows:


Concerning the programme, Saturday is even more busy than Friday. The participants of Lunchmeat Visuals Workshopu keep on following the procedures leading to animation and visualisation of their own creative ideas.

Parents and their children have an opportunity to attend the presentation of Kuba and Lou Sanitrák's animated project Lesokraj the Story.


The programme of the twelfth Festival of Film Animation will be opened by vernissages. The installation Relics, which is prepared for the mobile Gallery dé by Pavel Ryška, will present the selection of significant personalities of the 1950s.

If you come at the tram station Náměstí Republiky at 4:10 pm, where the mobile gallery starts its way, you can be sure that you do not miss anything and you can move to other vernissages together with PAF organizers.


Few days ago, we have published the names of Other Visions 2013 ten finalists.

Now it is time to reveal the names of those who will decide about the winner.


Concerts, VJ sets or musical performances are also a part of the PAF programme. Moreover, this year there will be a unique workshop Vjingu held in collaboration with the audiovisual platform  Lunchmeat and FAMU's research project - mediabaze.cz.

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Aktivity PAFu v roce 2019 podpořili: Ministerstvo kultury České republiky, Státní fond kinematografie, Statutární město Olomouc a Olomoucký kraj a Praha 7.

Více v sekci Partneři