
The fourth day of the festival will introduce the emerging Czechoslovakia 38–89 project which combines elements of interactive comics and computer games in non-traditional way. The resulting application presents the key periods of the Czech history of the second half of the 20th century. The Aport Animation section will also include the Slovak artist and...



The Friday programme of PAF will be opened by the city planner and theorist Mirjam Struppek who will introduce the block of short film dealing with the theme of big cities. Mirjam Struppek will also give a lecture focused on media facades within which she will speak about infrastructure and intergration in city environment. Urbanism Animated, this year’s main programme section, will also offer…


/// about

It is not the question of legitimacy that is among the highly sensitive issues concerning net art toady, but rather its documentation and preservation. These topics have to be taken with urgency since the delicate artworks are constantly dealing with the threat of, due to the unstable nature of the Internet and development of technology, not ever again being perceived the way originally intended. The participants will be introduced to the project net.artdatabase.org initiated by constantdullaart.com (Constant Dullaart) and curatingyoutube.net (Robert Sakrowski) that is focused on Contextualizing Internet-based Art, its collaborative documenting and archiving.


Festival jingle for PAF 2012 made by Fiume Std


On-line accreditation for the eleventh year of the Festival of Film Animation has started, along with the possibility of payments other than cash, it will be opened until December the 3rd 2012. After this date you can get accreditation and pay on the spot – in Art Centre of Palacký University ("Konvikt"), namely from the 6th of December onwards.


Vilém Novák's project "Them" (31st October – 20th December 2012, Youth Gallery, Brno) concludes the year-long curatorial programme of Fragile Cinema, the partner of PAF. In his own programmed environment, Novák let evolve many creatures during an artificial evolution and thus he intentionally refers to attempts of the graphic designer and developer Karel Sims who, however, did not try to observe similar creatures in their mutual interactions.


The Austrian experimental filmmaker and thinker Peter Kubelka (*1934), who introduced his work at PAF 2008 in person, is now presenting ANTIPHON (2012, 6.24 min), a part of a larger work called MONUMENT FILM (2012, 90 min). Kubelka is thus going back to his film Arnulf Rainer (1960, 6.24 min) which is constituted by four basic elements: light and darkness, sound and silence. Now, more than 50 years later, Kubelka makes Antiphon, a remake of Arnulf Rainer. It is a parallel film and all the elements are in opposite form – light becomes darkness, silence becomes sound, positive becomes negative and negative becomes positive. MONUMENT FILM will be premiered within the 50th year of the New York Film Festival, on the 8th of October 2012. Then it will be presented at Viennale that takes place from the 25th of October to the 7th of November 2012.


PAF is looking for young Czech artists, who are currently active in the sphere of Internet art. On the occasion of program section devoted to net art, PAF seeks after young generation of Czech net artists. Our aim is to create awareness about the existence of young Internet art in the Czech Republic among general public, curators, as well as artists themselves, since there is no big tradition of Internet art in the Czech Republic and individual artists are not organized to the extent common abroad. The result is the apparent 'invisibility' of Czech net art, which is limited to independent art projects, often hitting the misrecognition and misunderstanding, preventing artists from continuity of work.


PAF participates on yearlong curatorial program Fragile Cinema in Youth Gallery (Galerie Mladých), Brno. The fourth exhibition is a project by Jiří Kotrla 'Ordinary Language'.

Opening of the exhibition will take place on Tuesday, 4th of September, 5.30 pm.


The exhibition of Czech artist, musician and set designer Dominik Gajarský DOCUMENT MECHANIC takes as its inspiration real environments and stylized moments from life of distinct personality of Czechoslovak interwar period, a dance choreographer and representative of modern dance, Milča Mayerová.


The Saturday’s programme will be opened by the cultural geographer Petr Gibas and the visual artist Veronika Zapletalová who will introduce the phenomenon of summerhouses and gardening. After their lectures, a block of short animated films will follow. Before the screening of…


The programme of the 11th year of the Festival of Film Animation will be opened by the
vernissages. Kristýna Lutzová's loginlogout, which thematizes the boundary between real and virtual worlds, will take place in the Gallery U Mloka. Opening of Petr Krátký's 1/16 will take place in Vitrína Deniska and PAF 2012 opening ceremony will follow. The ceremony includes opening of the group exhibition Model. Urbanism Animated, which thematizes a model of a city space and its interiors in an imaginary urban scheme.


The Festival of Film Animation will be introduced at the Anilogue festival in Budapest; there will be a presentation and screening of 10 Czech films from 2007–2011 (Other Visions of Czech Animation) selected by a curator and 10 contemporary Polish films selected in a national competition (Young Polish Animation). Caution! Freshly Animated is a common project of PAF and the Polish Animation Now! festival.


The graphic design of the 11th Festival of Film Animation was again made by Fiume Std, the graphic studio without a studio and graphics.


PAF will be introduced at the 53rd year of the international short fiction film festival BRNO16 (formerly Brno Sixteen) which will be held from the 8th to 10th November 2012. The Festival of Film Animation will present Daniel Pitín's and Roman Štětina's selected works entitled ANIMATION, RE-EDITS, RUDOLF H.


The Czech premieres of two films will take place at the 11th year of the Festival of Film Animation. The festival visitors should be well aware of the filmmakers' names.


Other Visions 2012 curator: Dušan Zahoranský

The competition and curatorial selection Other Visions tries to make the current Czech audio-visual production, which lies on the boundary of visual art, video art and animation, more accessible already for the sixth year. Any classical animation, work with manipulated image, text, section of feature film, record of performance etc. is accepted. Consequently, the work with film and video moving images in their largest scale is expected.


PAF recommends Petra Herotová's exhibition in Vitrína Deniska: Věnováno umělci: brýle a koláč (Dedicated to the Artist: glasses and a cake). The opening will take place on Sunday the 16 th of September , 3 pm, at Vitrína Deniska, Olomouc.


(3. – 4. 8. 2012)

Czech music group Table will present their new repertoire at the 1 st Alt30 Festival in Čabiny, Slovakia (3rd to 4th of August, 2012). Their debut album, EP We Are Not Longer The Same (2010), was produced by Festival of film animation, Olomouc (PAF) and has strongly resonated within the critical community and supporters of synthpop and electronic music. The Table duo (Dominik Gajarský and Roman Štětina) and PAF cooperate on a long-term basis, one of the results of this cooperation alsobeing current set of music videos called SOUNDS, CLIPS, VIDEO that will also be presented at the Festival Alt30.


The Festival of Film Animation will have its festival echoes in Granada, Spain. On Wednesday 11 th of April, the Spanish audience will be presented with compilation of ten videos from Other Visions competition, "Caution! Freshly animated". On Thursday, there will be screening of Re-edits, series of appropriations that recycle, update and deconstruct the image of already existing films or other visual works.

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Aktivity PAFu v roce 2019 podpořili: Ministerstvo kultury České republiky, Státní fond kinematografie, Statutární město Olomouc a Olomoucký kraj a Praha 7.

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