Aport animation #paf2015


Aport Animation presents new films, animations, audiovisual work and projects which expand classic cinematography. This section is also a production base for emerging animated films, visualisations, computer games, applied design and graphic concepts, all of which are at various stages of implementation. The latest issue of the PAF Edition will also be presented.

Guests: Matyáš Trnka (CZ), Katarína Gatialová (SK), Vladimír Kudělka (CZ), Miloš Henkrich (CZ) ad.





Aktivity PAFu v roce 2019 podpořili: Ministerstvo kultury České republiky, Státní fond kinematografie, Statutární město Olomouc a Olomoucký kraj a Praha 7.

Více v sekci Partneři